Wednesday 26 May 2021

Best Practices for QuickBooks Online



If you're an experienced QuickBooks user, or just need a refresher course on how to use the software, this blog post is for you. This post will cover some of the best practices for using and managing your company's finances with QuickBooks Online. Be sure to read through these tips so that you can get the most out of using your account.

The last thing any business owner wants is a financial crisis caused by lack of knowledge about their accounting system. With these quick tips, you'll be able to easily manage all your finances from anywhere and at any time without worry! QuickBooks Bookkeeping Services is one of the best and popular way to manage your business and personal finances.

Reconcile accounts regularly:

It is important to reconcile accounts regularly. Reconciling accounts can help you spot discrepancies and identify where your money is going so that you can stop any overspending habits before they start. Follow this step by step guide for how to reconcile an account in QuickBooks Online:

-Start from the account summary screen -Select "Reconcile Account" on the left side of the screen -From here, select which bank account you would like to reconcile -Review transactions listed on this page and select those that need reconciled or click "Show Previous Transactions" if there are no transactions listed and then click "Next Step" at the bottom of that page. After reviewing all of these transactions, click "Post Transaction"

Clean up your lists:

QuickBooks Online is a great software for businesses to save time and money on accounting. One of the features that really helps with this is having lists like customers, vendors, and employees. These lists can be highly customizable to make sure you're only tracking information that matters to your business.

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Ultimate Guide to Bookkeeping Using QuickBooks Online



If you're a small business owner, then you know that keeping track of your finances can be difficult. This is where QuickBooks Online comes in handy. You'll never have to worry about forgetting a transaction again with this bookkeeping software! This blog will provide an overview of how to use the software and how its help you manage your business and get all your financial records organized for easy viewing. Whether it's transactions or budgeting, QuickBooks Online has got you covered!

QuickBooks Online is a great accounting software to use for small businesses. It's designed to save your time and money by allowing you to access it from anywhere, on any device, at any time. QuickBooks Online helps you with the
QuickBooks bookkeeping solution for your business.

We'll start with the basics: what are some of the ways in which this software can help your business? How do I set up my company file? What are some other features that make Quickbooks an efficient way for small businesses like mine operate? We'll also talk about how we should go about setting up our chart of accounts so that everything is organized and easy to find!

Quickbooks Online Included with:

  • Bank Reconciliations – Matching up bank balances with QuickBooks’s balance

  • Accounts Payable – Managing your creditors

  • Accounts Receivable – Managing your debtors

  • Sales Tax Filing and Payments – Calculation of sales tax liabilities and helps in paying taxes

  • Payroll Services – filling up employee’s time sheets, and initiating the paychecks process

  • Bookkeeping Reports – Detailed reports for better decision

We at MAC, recognize and understand your need for industry-specific facts and figures. This section therefore aims to assimilate all such reference materials, both technical and non-technical under one umbrella. Different heads of businesses have been categorized suitably thus giving every business-type ample coverage.

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Monday 24 May 2021

How tax preparation and tax return is help you ?



Tax season is coming up, and this year, in particular, there’s a big reason for everyone to file a return, regardless of how much money they made last year.

That’s because the coronavirus pandemic has ushered in some key changes that make filing a return critical, even if you aren’t likely to get a large refund.

This tax season is not going to look like any other,” said Tania Brown, a certified financial planner and coach at Saver Life, a nonprofit focused on helping low-income Americans save.

You may need to file to claim your stimulus checks

The most important reason that low-income Americans who previously didn’t need to file a tax return should do so this year is to claim the economic impact payments that they’re eligible for, according to Elaine Maag, a principal research associate at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

Non-filers — generally single, low-income adults without children — likely didn’t receive any of the stimulus payments that have gone out so far, as the federal government used IRS data to send them to Americans. Those who didn’t receive payments can claim them as a recovery rebate credit by filing a 2020 tax return.

This will be a significant payment for people,” said Maag, adding that individuals could get up to $1,800 —$1,200 from the first payment and $600 from the second.

Having a tax return on hand will also help if there is further stimulus, said Maag. Those who have filed will have provided the IRS with either their mailing address or direct deposit information, so the agency will know where to send any future payments.

It’s also important that people who didn’t get the full amount of stimulus payment that they were eligible for file a tax return to claim the recovery rebate credit, said Maag.

This includes people who had a significant drop in income in 2020 from 2019 that would have meant a larger payment, as well as those who have a dependent child in their household that they didn’t have last year or a new baby eligible for a check.

You may be eligible for more credits this year

In addition, Americans may be eligible for different credits this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Most important, low- to medium-income Americans are generally able to take advantage of the earned income tax credit, a tax break which can be used to lower the amount families owe and potentially lead to a bigger refund. In 2020, the maximum credit for someone with no qualifying children is $538, and the most a family with three or more children could receive is $6,660, according to the IRS.

Some Americans who didn’t previously claim the earned income tax credit may be able to this year, depending on how much money they made. And, non-filers who submit a return for the first time for 2020 can look back over the last three years to see if they were eligible and retroactively file to claim the credit, said Maag.

Other changes will also ensure that families get the maximum credit they need, even if they lost income because of Covid. If you claimed the earned income credit in 2019 but had lower income in 2020, you can use your 2019 income again to claim the credit.

There are other credits that families may be eligible for or can use their 2019 income to claim in 2020, such as the child tax credit.

Filing as early as possible should help refunds come faster

To be sure, Americans could also experience surprise tax bills this year, especially if they received unemployment insurance or started a side-hustle amid the pandemic.

Still, experts encourage all Americans to file a tax return for 2020 and to do so as soon as they’re able to receive any refund as quickly as possible.

“Tax returns are a crucial lifeline for a lot of lower-income people,” said Brown.

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Main Differences between a Bookkeeper and an Accountant



An accountant is a professional who provides financial assistance to business owners by analyzing and assessing the company's accounts. A bookkeeper, on the other hand, is an individual who has been trained in accounting skills and typically handles the day-to-day transactions of small businesses. Although there are similarities between accountants and bookkeepers, they have different responsibilities within their respective fields.

It can be difficult for accountants to find work because many people assume that anyone with these qualifications should also know how to read a balance sheet or understand financial statements. However, this couldn't be further from the truth! Accountants need more than just basic math skills – they need knowledge of higher level mathematics and statistics as well as excellent communication skills since most often interaction with company financial balance sheet.

The Main Differences between a Bookkeeper and an Accountant

A bookkeeper and an accountant are both professionals that help businesses with financial records. However, the main difference between these two professions is their level of expertise:

A bookkeeper records company transactions for day-to-day operations while an accountant performs more in-depth analysis of the organization's finances.

A Closer Look at the Role of Accountants

As a bookkeeper, you may be following the same steps as an accountant, but there are some key differences. Bookkeepers who work for themselves or small businesses typically have more responsibility over payroll and taxes than accountants.

For example, if a company is under 10 employees they will likely need to hire a bookkeeper to handle their payroll and taxes rather than an accountant who usually works with larger companies.

Accountants also tend to specialize in certain areas such as tax preparation or auditing so it's important to know what type of services your business needs before hiring one. If you're looking for help with accounting services like bookkeeping then contact us today!

The Role of Bookkeepers

Bookkeepers are often responsible for maintaining a company's financial records. They will monitor transactions and record them in the appropriate accounting system, such as QuickBooks. This blog post takes a look at some of the most important tasks that bookkeepers perform on a day to day basis.

Why It Makes Sense to Work With a Bookkeeper

If you are a bookkeeper, it is likely that your clients are small businesses. It can be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing tax code and regulations. You may also have to deal with payroll for employees, which may require more time than just keeping up on paperwork. If this sounds like you, then hiring a bookkeeper might make sense for you and your business. When you work with an experienced professional, they will take care of all the tedious tasks so that you don't have to worry about them anymore! They'll even help prepare taxes for both the business owner and employees at no additional charge!

MyaccountsConsultant is a provider of outsourced accounting, bookkeeping services. Request a demo below so that we can show you how we are your one-stop shop for your financials.

Friday 21 May 2021

Benefits of Migrating Your Accounting Software



If you look at it objectively, there are various benefits of migrating your accounting software for small business accounting. There is specific software that is built exclusively keeping in mind the size and the working pattern of your firm when you migrate your accounting software to the one that would be the best fit for you, you save up on costs, make better decisions as well as streamline your business processes.

This is why many firms are now opting to Migrate Xero to QuickBooks cloud accounting. Initially, it might look like a bit of a challenge. We at, My Accounting Consultants, get many queries from entrepreneurs who wonder if migrating your accounting software would be worth it. We have only one answer, yes, of course, it is worth it!

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List of reasons why we feel that every business should migrate to Virtual Accounting Software:

Ease of usage: If you look at the traditional accounting software, they stored on the accountant’s computer. Any time anyone wanted any information, they would have to log in to that specific computer. But with QuickBooks Bookkeeping Services, you can not only access it anywhere, at any time, but they are designed in such a way that they can be easily used and understood by those who are not trained in accounting. Virtual accounting software also has many features like automatic banking updates as well as intelligent reconciliations. These are so simple that anyone can use it with basic training. There are numerous videos available online that would tell you exactly what you do.

Flexibility: The day is excellent, and you would do anything to go out and enjoy it. With the virtual accounting software, you can quite literally take your work outside. As long as your device has an internet connection, you can work from almost anywhere. The software is usually password protected and can be accessed from any device. So, you also save up on space on your office computers, migrate to QuickBooks.

Security: With accounting software, you do not need to set up backups of your books of accounts. We all know how tedious process that is, and we have all gone through the worry of having it all in the right place in the correct format. The Virtual accounting software would ensure that all your data is safe and secure, and you can view it anytime without the hassles of the backups.

Enhanced Productivity: When you use virtual accounting, you can increase the productivity of your business. When your resources are free, and you can visualize your accounting with the help of simple charts and diagrams, you can take significant business decisions that would keep you in the path to success, migrate to QuickBooks.

Benefits of Xero to QuickBooks Conversion



If you're considering switching from Xero to QuickBooks, then this blog post will show you the benefits of data conversion.

If you are a small business owner or freelancer who uses an accounting software such as Xero, and your company looking for the business growth, it might be time for a switch. Converting from Xero to QuickBooks can save your data and give you more flexibility with how you run your business.

For example: - You have more control over what accounts go where in QuickBooks than in Xero; - You don't need separate bank accounts when using QuickBooks; - And there's no risk of losing data since all information transfers automatically.

Top Reasons of Xero to QuickBooks Conversion

Ease of usage: Companies are always looking for ways to save time and money. With the Xero to QuickBooks transition, this can be achieved in a matter of minutes without any hassle or headache.

Flexibility: Are you considering a switch from Xero to QuickBooks? The transition can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. It's important to know that the process will take time and is best done in stages. We've outlined some of the steps involved for your convenience so you can make an informed decision.

Security: Are you tired of dealing with the vulnerabilities of Xero and would like to transfer your data into QuickBooks?

The Xero to QuickBooks process is not complicated, but it can be time consuming if done manually.

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Wednesday 19 May 2021

Reason to choosing NetSuite to QuickBooks Conversion


NetSuite to Quickbooks Conversion from one accounting Software/Application to another is a common practice among businesses as they grow as well as business requires. When companies grow, their finances grow as well, which means a better and more robust accounting application is necessary to maintain the records in a streamlined way. Here the concern is not about the choice of the accounting software, but that of the company that will provide the conversion if you are in a similar fix and looking for NetSuite to QuickBooks Conversion.

Problems Associated with NetSuite to QuickBooks Conversion:

Several Issues addressed when moving from one accounting package to another. Some of these problems are as follows:

  • Error in formatting
  • Labor-intensive work
  • A missed step will require restarting the entire process
  • File type errors

Why you should choose the experts for Data Migration:

The inability to provide seamless services by different accounting companies is one of the main concerns for businesses seeking data migration. Some companies advertise high-quality NetSuite to QuickBooks conversion, but they lack the approach. Therefore, it is essential that you choose the experts for the job. Selecting professionals for converting records from NetSuite to QuickBooks will bring you the following benefits:

  • Save time and energy
  • Smooth data migration without any hassles
  • Conversions as per the requirement of your business
  • Translation of all the records, reports and transactions that are unique to your business
  • Unlimited migration support

It, therefore, makes sense to find a reliable and reputed company that offers high-quality NetSuite to QuickBooks conversion services. If your business needs a custom financial solution, then you Hire Certified QuickBooks Accountant who can help you in Data conversion services. You can call us for the required services with the assurance that your financial records are in safe hands.

If you are looking for Netsuite Quickbooks integration services for your business, Get in Touch with My accounts Consultant or Call us on +1 (877) 761 – 9996.