Showing posts with label Business Cash Flow Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Cash Flow Management. Show all posts

Saturday 23 April 2022

4 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Small Business Consultant



Are you considering hiring a small business consultant? If so, there are a few questions you should ask before making your decision. By understanding the answers to these questions, you'll be able to make an informed decision about which consultant is right for your business. So, what are those questions? Read on to find out!

How A Consultant Can Help Grow Your Business?

Whatever the size or stage of your business, a consultant can help you grow it. By providing an objective perspective and specific expertise, consultants can help you overcome obstacles, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve your goals. In this post, we'll explore how a consultant can specifically help you grow your small business. We'll also look at some factors to consider when choosing a consultant.

1. What can you help my small business accomplish?

As a small business consultant, you can help small businesses of all shapes and sizes to reach their goals. Whether it's working on a marketing plan, developing a website, or helping with financial planning, you can provide the guidance and expertise necessary for small businesses to thrive. You may specialize in one area or offer a range of services, but no matter what your niche is, there are always opportunities to help small businesses grow. So if you're looking for a way to make a difference in your community and grow your own business at the same time, consider becoming a small business consultant.

2. Do you have experience inside my industry?

If you're a small business consultant, the answer to that question is probably yes. But even if you're not, there are still some tips and tactics you can use to help clients in any industry. In this post, we'll take a look at some of the things you should keep in mind when working with clients in a specific industry. Whether you're just starting out or you've been consulting for years, these tips will help you build stronger relationships with your clients and provide more value to them. So whether your client is in the automotive or healthcare industry, read on for some insights that will help you work more effectively with them.

3. How does your business process work?

Small business owners often wear many hats and have a lot on their plate. Processes are vital to keeping everything organized and ensuring tasks are carried out in a timely manner, but what does that actually look like? In this, we'll take a look at some common business processes and how they work. This will help you understand the importance of good process cash flow management and how it can benefit your business. Stay tuned for more tips on small business success!

4. Why should I choose you over other business consultants?

When it comes to business consultants, there are a lot of them to choose from. So why should you choose me? What makes me different than all the others? Here are three reasons why I’m the perfect consultant for your small business. First, I have a lot of experience in the industry and know what it takes to be successful. Second, I have a strong focus on customer service and will always put your needs first. And third, I have a proven track record of helping businesses grow and succeed.

In the end, choosing one small business consulting service over another will come down in part to how much common ground you share. But from a practical perspective, you can increase your odds of finding the best business advisor by asking the right questions and listening carefully to the answers.

Contact us here for Hiring a Small Business Consultant.

Friday 2 April 2021

Cash Flow Management: 3 Best Practices for Small & Medium Businesses

Staying on top of your cash flow is vital to running a small business smoothly. According to a U.S. Bank study, poor cash management is the cause of 82% of business failures. Cash flow is critical to the survival and success of your business. Without it, you cannot hire or pay employees, buy inventory, expand your operations, or secure a line of credit or financing. Cash Flow Management is very important and crucial factor in Business.

Best Practices for Small & Medium Businesses

1.  Understand Your Cash Flow

One of the first things your business should do is get a 360-degree overview of its cash movements and situation. There is a common misconception that profit is the same thing as cash flow. It is not.

Simply put, your business profit equals revenue minus tax and expenses. When you invoice a customer, that counts as revenue, but you will not necessarily have cash. Your business can figure out its profit for the month and find that it has a cash flow issue. To best understand your cash situation, you will need a cash flow statement and cash flow forecast.

2.  Increase Sales, Not Expenses

Many things can put a strain on your cash flow. One of the most common is having expenses that are either out of control or simply not justified. Every business has bills to pay. But is yours efficient with its accounts payable?

If you are paying cash for equipment and inventory when there are better options, you could be straining your cash position. Take full advantage of payment terms and segment your expenses between those that are business-critical (payroll, taxes, rent) and those you have more flexibility on payment timing. 

3.  Help Your Customers Pay You Promptly

Unpaid invoices are a significant factor in small business cash flow. One study determined that the value of small business unpaid invoices is roughly $825 billion, or about 5% of U.S. GDP. Here are some of the ways you can take control of your invoices and shorten the time between billing and payment.

For a small business, unreliable cash flow can be catastrophic. Even a short-term cash flow problem can make it tough for a company to continue operations. Outside of knowing the ebbs and flows of your business, using these best practices can help you effectively manage your cash flow and have the resources available for growth and expansion.

The team at MyaccountsConsultant can help your business with cash flow projections and management. contact us here at your convenience for a complimentary consultation to discuss your business challenges and goals.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

8 Simple Ways To Improve Your Business Cash Flow Management Services

Business Cash Flow Management Services can be considered lifeblood for a business. Otherwise, profitable companies with a rapidly expanding topline but facing cash flow issues may find it challenging to maintain that pace, and may even witness a decline in profitability.

8 Ways in Which a Business can Efficiently Manage its Business Cash Flow:

  1. Forecast cash flows: It is one of the simplest ways of efficiently managing cash flow. A cash flow assessment of where the company stands today and where it headed from there is essential in understanding the steps to take to improve the situation. Rapidly growing companies sometimes lose sight of costs, which may match pace with their growth. This can lead to severe cash flow problems. Hence, projecting can help get a grip on the situation.
  2. Set up and review terms: Setting up terms and conditions for customers as well as suppliers before finalizing the contract can be necessary for Business cash flow management. If there is a significant difference between the average payable and average receivable cycle, it can force a company to seek working capital from outside and add to interest payable cost. Creating terms revolving around payment terms, definitions, and liability limitations can save a sticky situation for a company.
  3. Lease rather than purchase: While the outright purchase of equipment, machines and real estate may end up being cheaper than leasing in the long-term, it can cause a cash crunch in the short-term, especially for young companies who don’t have tons of cash lying around. Further, leasing instead of buying is also efficient Business Financial Accounting Advisory Services – wise as lease payment is considered a business expense and can be written off.
  4. Inventory management: Sometimes, companies tie up a lot of cash in inventory even though some items may not be moving as quickly as others. If it is input inventory, then the company can affect strict controls so that such things are purchased only sparingly. On the other hand, if it is finished products, then it should consider selling slow-moving items at a discount to free up excess cash tied up in holding them.
  5. Employ credit screening and checks: Conducting credit checks via credit assessment agencies is essential to ensure that the customers that a company is engaging with are creditworthy. Putting off a sale to a customer with poor credit can be beneficial rather than hurtful.
  6. Offer discounts and levy penalties: To ensure that invoices are honored timely, a company can offer discounts for payments made earlier than the due date and levy penalties for late payments. This carrot and stick policy is a simple yet effective tool for improving the cash flow situation.
  7. Increase modes of payment: Using multiple ways of payments can also be a quick-fix in increasing cash flow Management to a company. Electronic methods of payment can be especially helpful to both the company and its customer as they don’t take much time in clearing, thus allowing the customer to hang on to cash for much longer and still allowing the company to receive payments on time.
  8. Increase product price: Though many companies may refrain from increasing amounts of their products or services, it is possible that the quality of their products or services can fetch them higher revenue that they are leaving on the table due to low prices. Higher prices, even with slightly reduced sales, can result in increased revenue and thus, better cash flow. There is no harm in trying to find the perfect price point.
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